Education is big business internationally. In every city, you can see thousands of very successful education providers earning a lot of money. Most if not all, providers compete and teach contents in the form of subjects such as English, Chinese, Math and Science.
Our business is unique as we teaches the student how to learn, how to expand their learning style and how to learn by shortcut. We can complement all education providers and together we can help students to learn faster and make learning more enjoyable………… Read More
Some students are visual learner, some are audio learner and some are kinethetic learner. By knowing the learning style of the student, a good teacher can teach any subject to the student by presenting the subject matters in easily digestible form. This is why good tuition teacher can command high fees and can teach their students very well while the classroom teacher failed miserably. The classroom teacher is not faced with only one student, but a whole group of students who learning styles are very different.
It is not easy to hire a good teacher who knows about learning style. Therefore it is better that you, as parents and educators, learn to teach the child to be an “All Style” learner. We can teach you how……….. Read More.
Parents, grand-parents, educators and stakeholders can now use web technology to help diagnose various weakness or handicaps in their child’s fundamental abilities. This is empowerment. With adequate knowledge, there is less time wastage to help the child. Each child will find that learning and schooling can be fun and enjoyable.
Singaporeans can tap on government funding to learn the skills of early childhood education online. There are many advantages of using web training……… Read More
Dr. Ng has uncovered that certain conditions are necessary for a student to consistently achieve peak performance. These conditions are:-
- To have excellent physical health and all the senses are fully activated and working well. This requires the student to be free from diseases or toxins or physical handicaps.
- To have a safe environment free from discomforts and anxieties about himself or herself. This requires the student to have self confidence and be socially adapt, communicative and expressive to know what he or she wants from others.
- To have the fundamental abilities to process data and materials presented in every different ways and to find short cuts to handle them. This requires the student to see through the subject requirements quickly and have a set of tools, skills and techniques to make short work of the subjects. Read More